Assalamualaikum wr WB
Selasa 13 march 2018
Today i go to campus at 07.30 and arrived at 07.54 , as usually i seen my friend get ready for standing one line on front of kitchen. And after that we standing one line on the kitchen And we explain about how make and the extent we prepared.. after we ecplain, we hone the knife each. After we finished about knife we continue our prepared yesterday for open resaurant. When chef Dino come we do the division of the section.
When finished with the distribution of our group began to continue prepared that yesterday, because to of her already finish lived in plating so we focus to brioche. After on the show a form of her by chef Dino we also continue to form brioche is shaped like digambar, after finished with form brioche several members of the group I began to prepare for the dish tomorrow is soupfrom. In addition to prepare of my friend also makes stock shrimp ( shrimp stock )
While waiting for the other groups finished with preparan them especially for dessert we help chef Dino to put the posters about the world boga there are all sorts cheese, herbs and basic cutting. When finished put Some poster we checked back if there is a white stock or not because tomorrow we will make velloute sauce.
Selasa 13 march 2018
Today i go to campus at 07.30 and arrived at 07.54 , as usually i seen my friend get ready for standing one line on front of kitchen. And after that we standing one line on the kitchen And we explain about how make and the extent we prepared.. after we ecplain, we hone the knife each. After we finished about knife we continue our prepared yesterday for open resaurant. When chef Dino come we do the division of the section.
When finished with the distribution of our group began to continue prepared that yesterday, because to of her already finish lived in plating so we focus to brioche. After on the show a form of her by chef Dino we also continue to form brioche is shaped like digambar, after finished with form brioche several members of the group I began to prepare for the dish tomorrow is soupfrom. In addition to prepare of my friend also makes stock shrimp ( shrimp stock )
While waiting for the other groups finished with preparan them especially for dessert we help chef Dino to put the posters about the world boga there are all sorts cheese, herbs and basic cutting. When finished put Some poster we checked back if there is a white stock or not because tomorrow we will make velloute sauce.
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