
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Today I go to campus at 07.40 arrived at 08.10 when i arrived, i see my friend has been one line in the corridors kitchen due to the rain drummed so that. The front of the kitchen flooding until in restroom :v due to rain very than the last night. When finished a grooming we standing one line in the kitchen back and explain about the dish we for the last Sunday ( my group made the main course: beef stew ) so that the other groups that got turn to make the main course today could ask about things that are they understand, we do it because a chef Dino did not come as the morning on Wednesday and chef Ical also is not to be in the kitchen.

When finished explain we went to the station each, I immediately preparde to make velloute, the first I prepared is towing stock then I prepared the ingredients to make the roux as stock has liquid we started to make velloute after finished with velloute we remove all preparan yesterday that more easily later when will be used to be, we started to make soupfrom 1 ½ hours before explain. But there was a bit of a problem when the process of treatment soupfrom, namely soupfrom us almost no thickened due to the group and said to add the rice flour so we increase the her.
Roux for velloute SC.

But instead of thickened soupfrom we even have bad sharply from the rice flour so that we chose to make. Velloute back as material pengental her, because we are not so sure with soupfrom we her late we ask for help the jaya. Today I was also not so focus on the station me because I was also helping the groups riding course today because a chef aldino and the Ical no so we each other help between the groups. Today I tablets manuer so that means that I was later I served as stewerd.
Step by step for soup


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