
Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Selasa, februari 13th 2018

     Today i go to campus at 06.20 am and arrival at. 06.45 am. Before we entry to the kitchen there are several group prepare again about croissant and danish. Cauese, yesterday they just prepare until in proofing. Then, they save the dough in the chiler, so that today croissant and danish just a baking today. At. 07.00 am we one line in front kitchen for chek grooming and completeness tools by the supervisor, which is conducted every morning after it finishess we one line in the kitchen we given introduction about prakctice, so we always stay safe.

    While waiting Chef Dino come to the kitchen, some group start preparing are, tools, and ingredients. My group for today have a practice making watermelon juice. We jst found out making watermelon juice after Chef Dino arrive in the kitchen campus. Onc confirmed we will making watermelon juice, we shortly preparing area, tools, and ingredients. Today topic breakfast is american breakfast. Open Resto at 10.20 am, and close at 11.30 am after close we are direct GC.

     After GC maybe after dzuhur (ba’da dzuhur) or at. 13.15 we start prepare again about tomorrow menu. Tomorrow topic about breakfast is english breakfast. My group got a turn for prepare about fruit compote. We start a fruits reqiured is apple, grape, pineapple and papaya. For apple so as not to darken after peeling, Chef Aldino provide information to soak it in water that has been given salt and lime. After cutting fruits finish, we star prepare for making simple syrup, for ingredients just 1 liter water and 1 kg sugar, as an added fflavor, added also cloves, cinamon and lemon. After finish prepare we back to GC  and ready to go home.


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