daily Report English version

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Monday, Februari 12th 2018
   Today is the 2nd week of practice, but today is first day we start a practice because last week, kitchen have a little problem, so practice activities not working according to the schedule. I leave from my home arround at 06.47 am. And i arrive in campus at 07.10 am. We begin one line maybe at 08.07 am. Before we go in the kitchen, we check a grooming and completeness tools by the supervisor. Then we one line againin the kitchen while we waiting Chef Aldino givepractice direction today and this week.
    This week practiceabout “breakfast” we divided into several group. Become  We have10 group (group according blog team) and of some group divided again for make somekind bread (bakery). For today we just a preparing about bread/bakery.  Tomottow In Sya Allah we open a resto. Today my group got a turn formake “Hard Roll” (group 9&10 make a hard roll)  we start prepare ingredients. Ingredients for a hard roll is :

-hard flour
-egg whites
Yah, about ingredients for hard roll this a basic. We startdoing maybe at 10.00 am, and finish maybe at 04.00 pm. (for totality group).
     04.00 om (16.00) we break for “isomah” = istirahat/break, sholat/prayer, and makan/eating, before we start a GC (General Cleaning) . Because Rain (heavy rain) we become a little longer in the cafetaria :v. So, we back to kitchen maybe at 05.00 pm.  We divided section for GC and i have pastry section today. We 4 members GC in pastry section, 5 members with supervisor. We start from tidying up ingredients, cleaning table working, cleaning line, and Alhamdulillah, finish today J


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