assalamualaikum wr.wb wednesday, februari 28th 2018 today i go to campus at 07.16 and arrived at 08.00, we start one line at 08.05 for check in grooming and completeness tools. after that we one line in the kitchen for review for ingredients what was prepared yesterday. my group explained that the ready preparations were carrots, onions, garlic, and zucchini that had been cut into pieces yesterday. arround at 08.30 sir ical provide directions on blogs that should be more refined. arround at 09.05 we start doing while waiting chef aldino. We start from adding ingredients that we think are lacking, and the very first thing to do is simmer stock and make tomato sauce. while waiting tomato sauce finish we start saute ingredients for soup accompanied by chef aldino. To my knowledge in terms of texture is divided into 2 ie there are clear soup and thick soup, and for this time our saoup is thick soup. ingredients for tomato sauce tomato sa...