
assalamualaikum wr.wb
tuesday, 24 april 2018

I go to cmpus at 07.20 and i arrived at 07.50. at 08.00, before we entered in the kitchen we were standing one line for check a tools, grooming and our attandance. in kitchen we were standing one line again while waiting let us to do the activity. My group handled dessert yesterday my group prepare for pisang ijo and now we just made a sauce for pisang ijo. Because many of our group members we divided the tasks, a Sauce handled for pisang ijo, and another handled menu for tomorrow. Tomorrow we handle the soup section.

Tomorrow we repeat the 2.4 rotation ie Japanese food and tomorrow my group handled section soup and soup we made is miso soup. After completing the prepared for tomorrow, I continued to work on it for today, after I finished made a Sauce I went to the checker section to ask for a tool from the service section and at the same day I served as acquire. the duty at checker there are 3 people, me, Ian, and Azriel. Some of my group are gone for tablet manuer and the rest stay in kitchen waiting for orderan.

Open restaurant at 12.00 when the open resto process runs, initially in the kitchen is safe but in mid orderan soup began to mess because acquire in the service section changed so that Miscom happened. From the orderan record is very messy, but the senior word service orderan in just enough alone. Close restaurant at 13:00 after that I went back to cold kitchen and started GC with another friend. After we finish our GC, we are resting and waiting to be invited back by senior incharge and lecturer. We went home around 19:00.


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