
Assalamualaikum wr WB

Thursday, 12 April, 2018.

Today I go faster than yesterday, because yesterday sir Ical say we muat entry in the kitchen at 7.00. so i leave at 06.30 and i arrived at 06.50. When until friends who come just a little, and it turns out we also entered at 8. Maybe we just in the test? Maybe. At 08.00 we standing one line on the front kitchen for check a tools and grooming. After that we standing one line on the kitchen Waiting for the most started to doing, while waiting for every section in the Askes one by one to the extent preparan we’ve finished. Preparan my group yesterday finished just cucumbar who dislice, garlic and ginger in saute (to sauce).

After the most started doing the group we just clean the area of work due to beef and Sauce chef Dino yesterday said she was going to show how so we wait chef Dino while preparing the ingredients her.After a chef Dino come, we one line again to convey to the extent our group ready. After that we went back to section each and chef Dino began to show the way that will be done to process the beef and the way to make Sauce.

For the beef her first in souvide beforehand for 45 minutes with the temperature 150°c later in the grill.Saucenya just mix ingredients which have provided then added a lime juice that many and palm sugar to taste wry wry manis.When finished we started preparing to open restaurant. Before the open restaurant every section explain resident the for and to section appetizer today that explain is me.After that open restaurant, after appetizer sold out a member of the group I started GC.


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